Pilot India brings Lightweight and Sleek Stain Removing Gun, Tex 90. The Lightweight and Sleek Stain Removing Gun can remove stubborn stains caused by grease, oil, make-up, lipstick and other unwanted blemishes. The Lightweight and Sleek Stain Removing Gun is easy to handle. This Lightweight and Sleek Stain Removing Gun is manufactured from high-impact material. The Lightweight and Sleek Stain Removing Gun offers long life with minimal maintenance. The Lightweight and Sleek Stain Removing Gun features an adjustable jeweled nozzle for changing concentrated jet without damaging delicate fabrics. This Lightweight and Sleek Stain Removing Gun offers options of sharp jet or mist jet. This Lightweight and Sleek Stain Removing Gun can be easily cleaned, dismantled and reassembled in little time. This versatile Lightweight and Sleek Stain Removing Gun can be applied in different areas such as Fashion houses, Garment industry, Carpet industry, Soft-goods retailers and stockiest, Textile Mills, Laundry service, etc. This Lightweight and Sleek Stain Removing Gun comes with the following technical specifications: